The Coldfire Emulator is a Motorola Coldfire 5206 Emulator. It's original beginnings date back to the fourth term (2nd year) of the University of Waterloo's Computer Engineering program (summer of 1999). The Electrical and Computer Engineering (E&CE) 222 course - Digital Computers - taught Motorola Coldfire 5206 assembly as an introduction to machine assembly language. Since the Computer Engineering class of 2002 is twice the size of previous classes, the demand for Coldfire boards was much greater than their availability. (Also the fact that several classmates apparently didn't understand "NO food or drinks in the labs" and kept getting the labs deadbolted on us didn't help). Thus, David Grant began his emulator project to work on labs without requiring the actual hardware boards. Although the emulator progressed far enough to be used for the first three labs, interrupts were not yet implemented so the real boards were used for the final assignment. The next term featured the course E&CE 354 - Real-Time Operating Systems - where a project involved writing a real-time executive (RTX) for the Motorola Coldfire 5206 platform. (Insert same problems with availability and stupid classmates here). So, the emulator was dusted off and developed in parallel with the RTX.